The Importance of Effective Communication

The Importance of Effective Communication

For effective communication to take place you must share your thoughts, opinions and knowledge in a way that it is comprehended clearly and accurately. Effective communication has taken place when the involved parties are satisfied that their exchange has resulted in a complete, shared experience. Effective communication in the workplace has taken place when both…

PTSD in Men

PTSD in Men

We know that anyone can suffer from PTSD, but there is a clear gender difference in how common PTSD is in men vs. women. According to the National Center for PTSD, about one in ten women suffer sometime in their life with PTS. About half the number of men suffer from PTSD. Data shows us…

Sleep and Stress

Sleep and Stress

Stress often has a very negative effect on healthy sleep, impacting quality and duration. It does this in a number of ways, including extending how long it takes to get to sleep and fragmenting sleep. A lack of healthy sleep can then actually increase your stress levels and have a severe impact on physical and…

New Option for Care of Agitation in Seniors

New Option for Care of Agitation in Seniors

The FDA just approved Rexulti (brexpiprazole) for the treatment of agitation associated with dementia due to Alzheimer’s disease. The FDA approved the drug based on new data from two separate three month studies in which patients showered “statistically significant and clinically meaningful improvements” on the commonly used Cohen-Mansfield Agitation Inventory scale. This is a widely…