What are mood swings?

What are mood swings?

Mood swings are often described as sudden, significant changes in someone’s mood or general state of mind. For example, when experiencing a mood swing, a person may quickly switch from feeling joyful and content to mournful and irritated – or visa versa. People often ask me what the common causes of mood swings are. I…

Has Covid Undercut Social Cohesion and Boosted Anxiety?

Has Covid Undercut Social Cohesion and Boosted Anxiety?

The Covid pandemic really scrambled a lot of our traditional social cohesion. There are a number of potential reasons for why people might be socializing less. They include fears of getting sick, for one. In addition, many people are no longer working at the office. Instead they are working from home, which cuts down on…

The Potential Social Function of Gossip

The Potential Social Function of Gossip

According to the authors of the new Dartmouth COSAN Lab study, gossip is largely a means of exchanging information with others and forming relationships. It therefore can build trust between people and initiate societal links that becomes stronger the more communication takes place. People therefore can feel increasingly connected and “social” when they gossip, which…

Postpartum Euphoria: A Primer

Postpartum Euphoria: A Primer

Most people have at least heard of postpartum depression, but far fewer are aware of postpartum euphoria, also referred to as postpartum hypomania or “the baby pinks.” However, it is a serious mental health issue that can eventually result in postpartum psychosis. Often initially perceived as “super moms” who are energized and can function for…