“Long periods of stressful activities can take a toll on your physical and mental well-being. As a mental health professional I know that research shows that small, positive, daily activities can make a big, positive difference in our wellness. This data has been published in numerous places including BBC Radio 4’s program ‘The Anatomy of Rest.’
The need to take steps for your own mental well being is nothing new. In fact, the National Commission of Mental Hygiene was formed in the United States in 1909!
For example, taking a walk in nature is so helpful that some doctors are even writing prescriptions for it! And I believe the same goes for spending even just a few minutes a day practicing a musical instrument or admiring a sunset. What about just giving yourself what some refer to as a ‘tech break’ – getting away from all your electronic devices for 15 or 20 minutes. It’ll also give your eyes a rest!
The act of getting off the ‘merry go round’ of your stressful life for a few minutes every day and allowing yourself to indulge in activities that enhance your quality of life have been shown to cut down on stress and help clear your head – and we all need a bit of that every day!
So don’t forget: especially when your schedule is packed full, it’s more crucial than ever to find small periods of time for breaks.