Dealing with Depression and Anxiety when Traveling

Dealing with Depression and Anxiety when Traveling

Depression and anxiety are difficult and painful conductions. And they can present real challenges when traveling, like lots of people with be at the holidays. Therefore the below tips might help you enjoy your travel plans as opposed to struggle with them. Plan Ahead: Research your destination, accommodations, and activities in advance to minimize stress…

Seeing Red Flags with a Friend’s Partner: Why Do We Do it?

Seeing Red Flags with a Friend’s Partner: Why Do We Do it?

Why do we look for red flags in a friend’s partner, especially when we already like them or don’t have a reason to dislike them? There’s not one simple reason why we find fault in our friend’s partner. One major reason that’s often identified is that people are jealous and threatened by their friend finding…

The Value of Sleep to Good Mental Health

The Value of Sleep to Good Mental Health

Sleep, including REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep, is crucial for your mental health. It plays a role in emotional regulation, memory consolidation, and overall cognitive function. Adequate sleep is associated with improved mood and resilience to stress. Disruptions in sleep may contribute to mood disorders, so maintaining a healthy sleep pattern is essential for mental…

What is a Dopamine Detox?

What is a Dopamine Detox?

A dopamine detox, often referred to as a “digital detox,” is a temporary period during which a person restricts or eliminates activities that provide high levels of dopamine release in the brain. This can include things like reducing or abstaining from the use of social media, video games, excessive internet browsing, and other highly stimulating…

How Traditions such as Eating Together Can Connect Us

How Traditions such as Eating Together Can Connect Us

Tradition can bind us to each other by providing not just a sense of continuity but also a shared identity. It connects individuals and communities through common rituals, customs, and values, including cooking and eating together. Taken together these activities can foster a sense of belonging, cohesion and wellness. Tradition also helps pass down knowledge,…

What is Artificial Intelligence and How Does it Work?

What is Artificial Intelligence and How Does it Work?

How does AI therapy work? There are a number of ways that artificial intelligence can be used to provide therapy. For example, certain AI technology provides feedback for the journal entries that a patient makes. This means that an algorithm reviews and reaches conclusions about the entries, determining the emotional status of the patient and…

Medications Coupled with Talk Therapy

Medications Coupled with Talk Therapy

Medications and talk therapy have been shown to work well together, especially in the treatment of mental health conditions. This combination is often referred to as “medication management” and “psychotherapy.” Medications can help manage symptoms, while talk therapy provides a supportive and therapeutic environment to address underlying issues and develop coping strategies. Talk therapy and…

Q&A: Depression and Adderall

Q&A: Depression and Adderall

Is Adderall ever used off-label for depression? Adderall is primarily used to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and narcolepsy. Some doctors may prescribe Adderall off-label for depression, although it’s not a standard or recommended treatment. Off-label use of Adderall for depression might occur when other treatments have been ineffective, but this should be conducted…