The Psychology of Overspending and Developing Healthier Habits

The Psychology of Overspending and Developing Healthier Habits

To understand the psychology behind overspending it’s crucial to recognize that there’s a lot of emotions behind money in general and the decision-making about spending. One example of this is when people spend beyond their means because they believe that buying things will make them happy. In addition, they often spend on things they can’t…

Hoarding: A Primer

Hoarding: A Primer

Hoarding is a mental health disorder in which people pack their homes with so many items of limited or no use that they can create health risks to themselves and anyone they live with. This need to save items is often compounded by getting upset when they are confronted about their hoarding and the need…

A Primer on Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)

A Primer on Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)

Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is a form of depression related to the change of seasons. People experience SAD mostly in the autumn and winter months and it leaves them with symptoms including feelings of depression and lethargy. The shorter days, reduced sunshine and stresses of the holiday season might contribute to SAD. There are various…

What is Hydrocodone?

What is Hydrocodone?

Hydrocodone is an opioid prescribed for moderate-to-severe pain control in patients with trauma, post-operative patients or patients with cancer. Studies have also shown that certain formulations of hydrocodone are effective to relieve chronic pain. Regardless of what it’s prescribed for, all use of hydrocordone must be closely monitored by a physician since it can be…

Morphine Withdrawal: A Primer

Morphine Withdrawal: A Primer

The body and brain work to maintain a state of balance called homeostasis. But ingesting strong substance alters that balance and then your body has to take steps to adjust, including via your neurotransmitters. So basically the human body makes a physiological adaptation when a foreign substance is introduced or maintained in the system. Opioids…

Natural Remedies for Depression

Natural Remedies for Depression

There are lots of natural remedies promoted for depression – but that does not mean they actually work. For example, regarding herbal remedies, the National Institutes of Health cites a large 2018 study (Yeung, Hernandez, et al) which concludes available evidence suggests there is some “utility of some herbal medicines in mitigating anxiety and depression,…